Life is a mosh pit
What a roller-coaster this growing-a-business thing is during the greatest economic downturn in a century; literally.
This past week has been so physically exhausting, yet so emotionally rewarding. After a good part of two months with shutters closed; no classes, no pick-ups, no deliveries & uncertainty clouding many households that would otherwise be opposite; after this time, the flood gates open & 2021 looms.
What can I say; my clients, my students (to-be), my suppliers & my support network (you guys included) are the arms in my mosh-pit as I stage-dive towards 2021.
The amazing trust my clients bestow upon me, the word-of-mouth, the movement & support towards small local business is the reason, wholly, that businesses like mine can not only survive this episode of uncertainty, but can launch back in to the air in the mosh pit of life.
You guys rock!