Another step in my journey
I’ve always been vexed with the paradox of change. Life is under constant change, from birth through to death, and beyond. Change is necessary for us to adapt and evolve, necessary for our survival. Yet our instinctive human nature tends for us to be wary, uncomfortable and very often afraid of the very thing that is necessary for our survival; change.
I’m no different, the journey I am taking with Eclectic Boogaloo is one that is necessary for my inner survival, but also one that has very often left me uncomfortable and afraid. I reconcile these moments of being overwhelmed with the knowledge that it is a necessary journey of survival of self-growth, and although I’m often unsure of the destination, I simply love being in the moment.
Eclectic Boogaloo has been evolving over the last six months as we listen to our beautiful customers. I’m super excited to share the next step in our journey, with the relaunch of our humble website tomorrow. And for today, take the opportunity to thank all my loyal followers who have accompanied me on my journey, I couldn’t do it without you!
Another step