A New Beginning
There is much irony in fact that it takes great consciousness to simply stop.
Earlier this year, I stopped, I exhaled. I paused from daily life, just for a moment to reflect. I looked back to the birth of Eclectic Boogaloo a few years prior, I even dusted off our business plan that we had cobbled together, partly to reminisce & partly to reflect. Much has changed, as our business has evolved through trial & error, pivots, and the occasional shimmering of epiphany.
I spent a lot of time thinking about what I enjoyed the most about my humble business & how to drive deeper connections with my customer to add value to their beautiful lives. As I reflected, and listened, and listened, and reflected, it all became clear; an epiphany of sorts.
Six months’ fast forward, many busy days & late night, and a bundle of work behind the scenes, we are excited to launch the evolution of our Artisan Upholstery business. With this, we are open for business with a focus on our services for Upholstery, Sewing & Custom Design; as well as opening up our huge range of vintage, retro & antique chair stock to find a new home, as-is or fully restored & reupholstered..
We are very excited to be #savingtheworldonechairatatime. You too can save a chair.
We’d love for you to pop over to our BRAND NEW SMASHING website (thanks @mr.eclectic.boogaloo) to find out more about the services we provide, share with your friends, and even better, drop in to our warehouse and say ‘hi’ (open for unannounced drop-ins every Tuesday 9AM – 3PM).
With the rumour-mill a-milling and with our focus mainly on Upholstery, we have already been taking bookings for upholstery jobs, but we still have some space for completion prior to Christmas. Go on, spoil yourself.
All laid bare